Friday, September 21, 2007

What a beautiful day outside! If I didn't have to pack my moving I would go to the pool.. maybe I'll be able to do that tomorrow.
I took another speaking test this morning and I improved a little bit :-) My first score was 57 and the second, 61. I'm glad and I hope I can make at least 65 on my next one.
I'm waiting on my friend, Daniela, because we're going to take few things to my new house and she has a bigger car. So she probably will be here by 4:00pm. Also she is going to see the house done. Last time she saw it, it was under construction. I think she will like it because both of us have the same taste for decoration, finishing...
I need to go online and find used books to buy. I have 2 on my list for the writing class and I don't want to spend a lot of money on this because I'll be studying only for 2 months, so I think it doesn't worth it.
Daniela just called and she is on her way!
Tonight there is an event "Frog Fest" but I'm not going because I don't have anybody to go with me. My husband will be back only on Sunday... that's ok. I'll go to a next one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a great score! You're working hard and progressing. How exciting to be moving into a brand new house!