Sunday, September 30, 2007

I can't believe how fast last week was. Probably because I had some things to do and I not even noticed.
Well, I've been organizing the house, going to school, doing homework, taking care of Troy, Sandy, and some other things.. Everyday I've woke up early and gone to bed late. This is not the life that I desire for myself, but at the same time, I know this is just temporary. Therefore, in a few months, I'll be able to breathe normally again!
Next month I'll turn 27 and as a birthday gift, I would like to have a party in my new house. It would be so great to show my house to my friends. I'm looking forward for that!
There are 2 more weeks to go for the end of my first session at TCU. I'm not sure if I'll do the second session. I might be ready to get a job before that. Let's see what is going to happen.
As usual, on Fridays we have a speaking or writing test at TCU. Last Friday was writing, and I got 5 out of 6. Ok, let me clarify one thing: the very first one that I did in the morning I got 4, and I thought I didn't have enough time to finish it. Then later, I was able to continue from where I stopped. In fact, I had 6 minutes left on the computer, so that worked out in my favor and I got 5! I'm feeling better now 'cause I really wanted to see my improvements, especially in my writing.
Yesterday we went to Fort Worth where they have stockyards to have dinner with some friends. The food was delicious especially desert. I ate pecan pie with ice cream! It was out of this world!!
Well, I gotta go ‘cause I need to study some vocabulary for tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that you were able to see your writing improvement.

Yes, pecan pie is certainly to die for!