Monday, October 1, 2007

How hard is to wake up early on Mondays... I think nobody likes Mondays morning...
Well, today class was very nice. We went to visit Real World a non-profit agency, affiliated with TCU, that works with advertising, marketing and public relations for non-profit organizations. The cool thing about it is the staff is composed by TCU students majoring in the areas of marketing, advertising, communication, public relations etc... It was very interesting to know how they do their job.
We also had a vocabulary quiz and I did great. On Wednesday we're gonna have one more, so I need to study 2 more lists.
By Thursday I will take my speaking test for the third time. I wanna see If I can improve more. My last score was 61, so I hope I can get at least 65.
My husband is in Trinidad & Tobago this week. He'll be back on Friday night. I don't like when he travels especially now that I'm in the new house, so everything is kind of scary for me. But that's ok, I can deal with that.
I have an appointment with my hair stylist on Friday. I can't wait to cover my black roots.. just look horrible right now.
Ok I'll continue tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a neat field trip.