Thursday, September 20, 2007

I went to Barns & Noble last night and I found another interesting book about the Jewish girl: "Anne Frank, Beyond the Diary". It's even more interesting because this is the story of her life before she was forced into hiding in The Netherlands. Also the book has so many pictures of where she used to live, pages of her diary, her family etc... and the testimony of the people who last saw Anne and her sister Margot alive.I already have everything on my mind for the presentation. I'm very excited and looking foward to showing the class about it!Ok now it's time to go out with Sandy (my dog). By the way, you can see her on the big picture with me. She is a long haired dachshund. Everyday we go to the park right across my apartment and walk for 15 - 20 minutes. She loves it specially because of other dogs. As a matter of fact, I've seen so many dogs here that makes me believe that Americans love pets more than Brazilians, and they treat their dogs and cats as a family member. That's cool!!When I come back I'll start working on my autobiography... what a disappointment for me in the classroom this morning... I thought my bio was ok but when I saw Melissa's I was ashamed of myself.. That's all right... I know I can do better and I'll do!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Barnes & Noble's! Cafe Mocha and cushy chairs. You can't go wrong with that.

The nice thing about walking with the dog is that the dog sets the pace. (It's good exercise.) You don't have to force yourself to walk fast. You don't have a choice because the dog is pulling you. At least that's my experience - and I don't own a dog.