Thursday, October 11, 2007

Long time no write.... my last post was on Oct. 2nd. I'm glad to see your comments Betty. Tks!!
Well, tomorrow will be my last day at TCU and my last writing test too. I hope I can get a 6. Let's see. Speaking of TCU, the book presentation was very nice. Everybody did a great job. Kurk said my presentation was the most educational of all and there was only one negative thing about it: instead of 10 minutes, it was 10'30". I passed by 30 seconds. Not too bad and I got an A+. Fantastic!! I'm very happy with the result of my presentation. My husband helped me a lot to practice my speech.
Saturday night we have a dinner at my friend's house. The menu will be Raclette. How fancy! It's a swiss cheese and you grill it on a special pan with vegetables. I'll make a mousse or strawberry pie as dessert.
My birthday is coming.. on the 28th. And one of my brothers-in-law (from Brazil) will be here on the weekend of my b-day. Probably I'll make a bbq at home and invite a few friends to join us. Nothing big 'cause I don't like to have big celebrations.. if you're getting older, why to celebrate?
I'm watching that late show with Jay Leno and the guy from "The Hell's Kitchen" is there. He's cooking pancakes with pineaples. Looks so yummy!!
I'm going to stop right now because I'm very tired. Today was a long day... bye.

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